Monday, September 18, 2006

Bank of America's Baby Bunny

Before you read this, I'm going to tell you up front this is a very sad story. A true story, but very sad.

I have been freelancing at an office a lot recently and at lunch I often hit the closest sub joint for a sandwich. On the way, in front of the monolithic Bank of America building, is a raised bed garden, made of granite and at least 4 feet off the ground filled with all kinds of plants. One day while walking by, I discovered a tiny baby bunny in this tiny, inaccessible garden. I looked all over the place but could not discover how this tiny thing could have scaled a four-foot wall to get into the garden or--as it it basically a giant granite planter--how he could have tunneled in from below. So this makes me very happy. Hurray for the bunny! He's been there every time I walk by, napping behind one of the shrubs or munching on the greenery. He always wakes up when I stop to see him, since I'm guessing I'm the only person in this city who even noticed he lived there.

Anyway, today I found him dead.

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