Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tuesday, April 3

The apartment hunt is extremely frustrating. No, this is not a surprise but it's still discouraging. Finding a place in a good neighborhood, in my price range (which I thought was going to be plenty), that is large enough for a batch of cats is proving to be harder than I though, despite trolling craigslist every morning.

My options look like this:

- One room, in a decent neighborhood, not big enough for both a couch and a bed. One that I saw wasn't even big enough for a bed so I'm not sure where they thought you'd be sleeping. On the couch, I guess.

- A larger place, in a crappy neighborhood, that actually has a bedroom and large enough for the cats to have a corner to themselves. Probably overlooking a Safeway or car dealer's lot or something.

- The same place in a better neighborhood for several more hundred dollars a month that I'm not sure I can afford. Still too small for 3 cats.

- Roommates. Ugh. Leave the cats at home for 6-12 months, find a place looking for a roommate, and just move enough stuff to live on while I search for a place. This means leaving my cats in the care of someone for up to a year, something that brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.

This last option, of course, is looking more and more likely.

On the up side, the weather is gorgeous. Of course.

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